Our Partners in Education

We partner with schools that share our vision and are passionate about helping students succeed.

Schools We Work With

Our partners are dedicated to their schools, communities, and students.

A New Ed School Breaking Old Models

City Teaching Alliance and American University have partnered to deliver a curriculum that not only provides a grounding in high-quality K-12 instruction, but also teaches the importance of understanding and appreciating a child’s experience. American’s professors, selected for their student-centered approach to learning and experience in public education, deliver courses including “Trauma Informed Teaching Practices.”

Serve directly with nonprofit organizations

AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs, made up of three primary programs that each take a different approach to improving lives and fostering civic engagement. Members commit their time to address critical community needs like increasing academic achievement, mentoring youth, fighting poverty, sustaining national parks, preparing for disasters, and more.

Learn more

Benefits to Schools

  • Ongoing supply of effective teachers
  • Potential for reduced attrition rates
  • Skilled assistance in host classrooms
  • Tier 2 intervention support
  • A growing cadre of teacher leaders
  • A built-in pool of substitutes familiar with the school
  • Quality staff for summer programs
  • 3 years of expert coaching for every City Teaching Alliance participant

Our educators are dedicated to their schools, communities, and their students. They have the preparation to become leaders in their schools, ensuring students are empowered through high-quality education.

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Host teachers agree that their resident provides additional value to student learning
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Host teachers report that their teaching practice improved as a result of hosting our resident
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Host teachers report that their resident is on track to be an effective full-time teacher

Is your school a good fit?

We partner with schools that share our values and are dedicated to ensuring their students succeed in the classroom.

Do you value the importance of high quality educators?

Do you hope to tap a steady supply of effective new educators?

Do you hold all educators accountable to rigorous standards?

Join the Alliance

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