Transforming Futures
Disrupting Educational Disparities
Since receiving a start-up grant from the New Schools Venture Fund in 2009, City Teaching Alliance has grown steadily and sustainably. Through our higher education partner American University, which provides true anti-racist pedagogy, we offer a Master of Arts in Teaching.
We have welcomed over 2,400 aspiring educators and expanded to nearly 350 schools, teaching over 351,000 students in Baltimore, Dallas, Washington, DC, and most recently, Philadelphia. We believe that we can be most effective by committing deeply to these communities and anticipate expanding our reach in the years to come.
Children are the center of our work. We rely on the communities we partner with to guide and inform the decisions we make about our curriculum, program, and practice.
Make a difference in Urban Classrooms
Our mission is to improve educational and life outcomes of children in urban schools by preparing culturally responsive, effective career educators who accelerate student achievement and disrupt systems of racial and socioeconomic inequity.
Our Story
City Teaching Alliance was founded with the idea that talented, highly-prepared, career educators can open the doors to future success for city school children.
What We Believe
Educational disparities are particularly stark in urban schools where many new educators arrive with little preparation or support to deal with challenges. This negatively impacts every aspect of the school, but most critically, children.
It’s our vision that every student in the United States is taught by committed, well-prepared, culturally responsive educators.
We are a mission-driven team
We are dedicated to providing students in urban communities with highly effective educators. More than half of us are former educators, lending our classroom and school experiences to build upon our theory of change. Although we come from different backgrounds, we are all committed to equity, inclusivity, and ensuring every student receives a great education.
Leadership Team
Board of Directors
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